On Friday 30th September 2022, St Clare’s enjoyed our fourth unified, yet wonderfully diverse celebration of pupil wellbeing, Global Be Well Day.


Beth Kerr, Cognita’s Group Director of Wellbeingexplains more:


Global Be Well Day (GBWD) is:


  • A celebration of everything schools do throughout the year to prioritise Wellbeing and a reminder of its importance
  • An opportunity to have a deeper and prolonged focus on the Be Well Charter as a school community
  • A vehicle to connect pupils and colleagues from around the world through Wellbeing


We were very grateful to begin this autumn term with hope and excitement for the year ahead. Whilst the pandemic was unforeseen, by supporting our planet through the choices we make, we can take back some control over its future. This is something that our pupils feel strongly that they can impact. It was this drive and passion that inspired the theme for this year’s resources for GBWD – Diet through the lens of sustainability.


‘Sustainable Diets are those diets with low environmental impacts which contribute to food and nutrition security and to healthy life for present and future generations.’


Source: Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations.


This year, our pupils explored the topic through debate, discussion, and immersive lessons from all around the world. Pupils had the chance to ask questions to nutritionists or research and bake recipes for Cognita’s Global Cookbook. Schools across the group also had the opportunity to try an exciting immersive learning experience with Lyfta, an award-winning digital learning platform that will bring learning to life. Our pupils looked at their local communities to see how they can support them to have more access to nutritious food and/or promote sustainable diets within their school communities.


It was also wonderful to see so many of our colleagues helping connect their students with students from another school, in another country – strengthening our Cognita community and underlining the united passion for empowering our students to prioritise and take care of their own health and wellbeing with confidence, in school and throughout their lives.


A huge thank you to our colleagues who work so hard to make sure that GBWD really is that ‘celebration, opportunity and vehicle’ for their students; it is their passion and energy that make GBWD such a valuable and memorable day for our school communities.


For further information about our Cognita Be Well Charter and other relevant wellbeing resources, please visit  www.cognita.com/cognita-be-well/.