Welcome to St Clare’s School and Nursery


Children from 2½ years of age benefit from a supportive and caring environment where every child feels a sense of belonging.

What makes us unique?

The Top 20 Day Nursery at St Clare's School provides a safe, caring, happy and stimulating environment for children to enjoy play and learning experiences.

  • Set in 11 acres of magnificent beautifully landscaped grounds, including a stunning woodland space which is used for Forest School and as an outdoor classroom, providing the perfect place for children to develop a true appreciation for the natural world.

  • Specialist teaching in Spanish and French develops early cognitive development, enhances cultural awareness, and lays the foundation for future language proficiency and global understanding.

  • By equipping classrooms with interactive smartboards and providing each child with an iPad we ensure a dynamic, personalised learning experience, fostering greater engagement, creativity, and digital literacy, which are essential for preparing children for the future.


Child-led Learning

A child’s early years are the crucial years shaping their development and future success. We create an environment with the perfect balance of quality teaching and education, as well as opportunities for free and guided play experiences where the children choose and lead their learning.

With our innovative Early Years Curriculum and outstanding level of care, children receive all the support they require to develop into curious, confident and rounded young people.

Early Academic Achievement

Children benefit from an enhanced education that prepares them for a highly successful school experience. In the process, they attain levels of success and achievement that exceed nationally-expected standards.

Smaller class sizes allow the opportunity for individualised learning and the needs of each pupil can be met whilst helping them to achieve their best.

By the end of Nursery, we aim for most pupils to communicate confidently, recognise and write their name, use a range of vocabulary to read wordless books, begin to form some letters correctly and begin to identify initial sounds.

Outdoor Learning and Forest School

We know that outdoor play and learning is essential to our children’s health, development and wellbeing. Our 11 acres of stunning grounds and woodland space provide our littlest learners with a magical and immersive experience, the perfect space to develop a true appreciation for the natural world.

Our Forest School encourages children to develop risk management skills and embrace new challenges, fostering excitement and adventure through hands-on exploration of their environment.

Begin an unforgettable adventure.

Children who join St Clare’s private school develop their confidence and gain a genuine love for learning, putting them on the path to success.

2 ½ - 4 yrs old


4 - 5 yrs old


5 - 11 yrs old


11 - 16 yrs old


16 - 18 yrs old


6 easy steps

Learn more. Request your bespoke prospectus.

St Clares School

Enquiries :01656 789966

Office :01656 782509